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Our History


Started by Richard King in the early 1980’s under the authority of a Baptist Church in Texas, Bible Baptist Church occupied several facilities in Glenwood before moving to its current residence at 605 South Hazel. Pastor King followed God’s leading to another church and Arnie Lindsey was called as Pastor for several years. Pastor Lindsey resigned as Pastor and Bible Baptist Church struggled through trials including declining membership and Pat Marlowe was called as Pastor. Under Pastor Marlowe Bible Baptist Church added new members and ministries. After many years, Pastor Marlowe resigned and David Moore was called as Pastor. After a short time Pastor Moore resigned and Duane Johnson was called as Pastor. Bible Baptist Church experienced significant growth under Pastor Johnson’s leadership and an adjacent building was purchased at 601 South Hazel. This new building, the Richard King Student Center, houses Sunday School classes, Junior Church, G3 (Growing a Godly Generation), Teen classes, and offices and storage spaces. Pastor Johnson retired from the ministry in December 2008 and Benjamin Quinlan was called as Pastor in June 2009.


The history of Bible Baptist Church has been marked by Bible preaching, missionary support, and relational outreach, practices that endure until this day.


Pastor Ben Quinlan​​


Benjamin Quinlan received Christ as his personal Saviour on June 27, 1991, at the age of 9 while attending Sagmount Baptist Camp in Saginaw, MO. The Word of God was preached fervently and Ben realized his need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Ben was baptized into Faith Baptist Church a few months later.


A few years later, at the age of 12, Ben heard the call of God upon his life to prepare for full-time service in the ministry. As the years progressed preaching competitions at school and youth camp were entered and much study was engaged in preparation for the day that God’s plan would come to fruition.


Ben graduated from Faith Baptist High School in the spring of 2000, enrolled at Heartland Baptist Bible College in the fall of 2000, and graduated in the spring of 2004.


On June 18, 2004, Ben married Meagan Crawford, and since that time they have taken part in several ministries in Washington, Kansas, and Iowa and received of the Lord 4 wonderful children; Naomi, Noah, Phoebe, and Elijah.


In June 2009 Ben accepted the pastorate of Bible Baptist Church in Glenwood, IA, and has since that time followed God in leading this flock of believers to glorify, honor, and lift up Jesus Christ before a lost world.

Our Pastor

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